Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Television as a Surrogate for Reading

I watched some interesting programming tonight on the Sundance Channel. First, I watched Iconoclasts, which apparently is a series which pairs culturally influential people for a dialogue. Tonight, it was Dave Chappelle and Maya Angelou, a very strange pairing but extremely interesting. Then, I watched Spectacle, a talk show that I assume is regularly hosted by Elvis Costello; in this episode, he interviewed Bill Clinton. The conversations revolved around music for the most part. I was intrigued by the depth of Clinton's knowledge of music; I always knew he was a musician, but I was surprised at how much he knows about jazz, blues, and the people who play them.

And then I could find nothing else of any interest to watch on television. And, of course, I could find nothing to read because my damn glasses make it almost impossible. I suppose I could take off my glasses, close my left eye, and hold a book close to my right eye, but that is troublesome and tends to put me in a position that causes my neck to ache badly for days, nay, weeks. I still haven't read The Kite Runner, which I want to read, nor have I read A Thousand Splendid Suns. There are dozens more, the titles of which I can never remember until I see them on the shelf in bookstores on in libraries. Hell, I still haven't finished Ringside Seat to a Revolution, which I have had in my study ready to read for almost two years, I think.

Note to self: when we get back from NYC, I MUST go in for an eye exam and a new lens prescription.

Just one more day of work until we leave for NYC...and a visit with a special blogger!


YourFireAnt said...

Yes !

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Um, yes. New specs. A must. Because you MUST read both those Hosseini books, if nothing else.

Happy Trails! New York! Yippee!!!
